Monday, 30 April 2012

MARC (Machine readable cataloguing)

“MARC is a generic term applied to the universe to MARC formats”
MARC was first developed by Henriette Avram
1st conference on MARC by Library of Congress
2nd conference on MARC by Library of Congress (1965)
LC get a grand from CLR(Council of Library Resources) in 1965 to conduct a pilot project on MARC
3rd conference on MARC by LC in 1966. Official opening of the pilot project.
Pilot project was known as “MARC I”.
MARC I format restricted to books only.
MARC I format entirely based on LC catalogue card
So, BNB (with active participation with LC) makes some operational changes to make it interchangeable format. As a result MARC II was developed(1968)
MARC II – capable for all forms of library material like books, monographs, serial, map, music etc.
MARC II was split into two formats
a.     BNB MARC (Later UK MARC)
b.     US MARC
US MARC becomes US national standard in 1971 (ANSI Z39.2)
& international standard in 1973 (ISO 2709)
MARC II influenced the other countries to develop their own standard format which followed the same structure but the tags were slightly different.
As a result, certain amount of incompatibility exists among different countries
To solve this problem, IFLA launched UNIMARC........ but eventually it failed.
Structure of MARC tapes
o       Provides information about total length of record & type of record
o       It is 24 characters (00-23) long
o       It shows what variable fields are in the record and what their locations in the record are.
o       It is of 12 characters long
o     Two types : 1)variable control field (001-009) 2) variable data field
*by IFLA
*1st version of UNIMARC (1977) is only for monographs & serial
*UNIMARC follows the ISO communication format ISO-2709 (1981)

J gate quiz

1.     Akash is an android tablet computer jointly developed by a London based company ‘data wind’ and IIT Kanpur
2.     Principles of Osmosis has been propounded by S R Ranganathan
3.     Booker prize for fiction 2011 awarded to Julian Barnes
4.     B S O  is a classification scheme
5.     DDC 1st Edition 1876
6.     CERA is a consortia for agricultural sciences literature
7.     The first  block in ISBN is a geographic identifier
8.     MARC was first developed by Henriette Avram
9.     J-Gate started in the year – 2001
10. Which is the largest gateway for open access journals? Open J-Gate
11. Which were the first consortia to adopt J-Gate? INDEST
12. The term “Hypertext” coined by Ted Nelson
13. Which university had appointed first full time University librarian in India -  Calcutta University
14. Android is an operating system of google
15. Length of ISBN was changed from 10 digits to 13 digits in the year 2007

ISBDs (International Standard Bibliographic Description)

The ISBDs main goal : offer consistency when sharing bibliographic information
A stress was laid on the need of standardisation in bibliographic description during international conference on cataloguing principles (1961) held in Paris.
To solve this problem
ICME (International Meeting on Cataloguing Expert) was sponsored by IFLA & held in Copenhagen (1969).
Formed a committee
Committee submitted report in 1971. Which is known as ISBD(M) . (M) means Monograph
In its application many ambiguities & lack of details were discovered
To resolve this problem – IFLA conference (1973, Grenoble) was held
After conference two documents were published
ISBD(M)      “M means Monograph”
ISBD(S)        “S means Serial”
In 1975 ISBD(G) “General” was developed
Serve as single frame work for all types of publications in all types of media
ISBD(G) was later on incorporated into AACR II
ISBD(G) acted just as some guiding principles
It was not use as a working tool for the cataloguer
So, IFLA brought out the following ISBDs on the basis of ISBD(G)
1.        ISBD(M) 
2.        ISBD(S)
3.        ISBD(CM)   ; Cartographic Material
4.        ISBD(OB) ; Old printed books
5.        ISBD(PM) ; Printed music
6.        ISBD(AV)    ; Audio Visual
7.        ISBD(CP) ; Component parts
8.        ISBD(CF)     ; Computer Files
As ISBD has so many numbers they are called ISBDs
Elements of ISBD(M)
Title & statement of responsibility
ISBN, Binding, Price
ISBD – Punctuation
[] - Information  is not available in the proper place
() – To denote omission
/ - Before statement of author
: - Proceeds the name of publisher/subtitle
= - Parallel title
-    Place of publication
, - Year of publication etc.
Abbreviation – ISBD
S.l. (Sine Loco) – Use when place of publication is unknown
S.n. (Sine Nomina) – Use when name of publisher unknown

Saturday, 28 April 2012

online application submission is extended

Attention: Date for online application submission is extended upto May 02,
2012. Last date for submitting the hard copies of application to the chosen
center is extended upto May 09, 2012


Issac Collijin -- The first president of IFLA

Allen -- The concept "Technological Gate Keepers " was first proposed

Kesavan B S (Bellary Shamanna ) -- first National Librarian of independent India

Asiatic Society of Bengal -- India’s first library…started on 1784….opened to public in 1820

Eugene Garfield -- The impact factor
Mortimer Taube -- Uniterm indexing system

John Tukey -- BIT ("Binary Digit") the term was first used in 1946

Hans Peter Luhn -- KWIC (keyword in context) index , a kind of automatic indexing developed in 1958 at IBM

Mortimer Taube -- "Coordinate indexing"  1951.

Melvil Dewey -- started the first school of library science in USA (1887)

Library Miscellany First Library Journal in India -- three languages, English, Gujarati and Marathi -- Published in 1912

Myer M M -- "Bibliographic coupling" was first introduced


The concept of UBC was introduced by IFLA
Paul Otlet used the term ‘Documentation’ (1905) for the first time in a lecture at the International Congress at Brussels
 European Translation Centre is located at Netherland
Encyclopedia Britannica  : The 15th edition has a three-part structure
·        12-volume Micropædia of short articles
·         a 17-volume Macropædia of long articles
·        a single Propædia volume to give a hierarchical outline of knowledge.

Indian Science Abstract’ is published by NISCAIR

Windows NT ……’NT’ means ‘New Technology’

Dewey Decimal classification is now looked after by  OCLC

Dublin Core Metadata Element Set (DCMES) consists of 15 metadata elements

m@dhu !

In research paper, to refer to the immediate previous reference the following term is used – ibid
In research paper to refer to an earlier but not immediately preceding reference, to the following term is used -- Ioc
RLN -- Research libraries and information retrieval system (1978)
·        Location: Scand ford, California
SWOT analysis developed by Albert Humphrey
CHECKMAT software is made for serial control in a library.
SIRNET (Scientific and Industrial Research Network)
·        lanched by NISCAIR in the year 1989.
CPM (Critical Path Method) techniques is developed by DUPONT
NAN -- Neighborhood area network
Index translationum -- UNESCO's database of book translations
NEPHIS (Nested Phrase Indexing System) -- an ad hoc string indexing system developed by Timothy Craven in 1986

Friday, 20 April 2012

Various Classification Schemes

DDC - Melvey Deway-1876 (USA)
Expensive Classification – C.A. Cutter-1891 (USA)
Library of Congress Classification- Staff of Library of Congress – 1901(USA)
Universal Decimal classification –Paul otlet and Henri La Fontaine -1905 (Belgium)
Subject classification-J.D. Brown -1906 (UK)
Colon classification – S.R.Renganathan-1933(India)
Bibliographic Classification –H.E. Bliss- 1935 (USA)
International Classification – Rider -1972(USA)

QUS - 2

  1. Operational approach is an Integrated approach.
  2. The model public library established in India with the UNESCO assistance was Delhi Public Library
  3. Facts on File is a weekly digest of World Events
  4. The theory X and theory Y was conceived by D.Mc Gregor
  5. PGI is framed out of merging UNISIST and NATIS
  6. Tree of porphyry is a systematic representation of Diachotomy
  7. 7th edition of CC was published in the year 1987
  8. Empty digit means A digit with ordinal value and without semantic value
  9. The core idea of subject is represented by Personality
  10. Method of residue is useful to find out Personality
  11. Enumerative classification means classification scheme providing readymade number for all subjects of past , present and anticipated future
  12. Principle of osmosis concerned with Re-classification
  13. Analytico synthetic classification means Freely faceted
  14. Wall picture Principle helps in Facet sequence
  15. Who invented the Retroactive ordinal notation E J Coates
  16. Card form cataloguing was originated by France
  17. British Museum first introduced the printed catalogue
  18. Canon of recall value is the another name of canon of sought headings
  19. Panizzi code was first published in the year 1841
  20. Books of unknown or doubtful authorship is known as Apocryphal books

QUS - 1

1.       Objective of DP Raychoudhwary Committee is to improve Academic library

2.       Mudaliar commission is related with School library

3.       Kabat Committee is related with Metropolitan area

4.       University Education Commission chairman (1948-1949) was S. Radhakrishnan

5.       Perry committee in UK reports on University libraries

6.       Hawnt committee deals with the public library service in north Ireland

7.       The word “Library “originates from the Latin word Liber

8.       A small book is technically called Biblot

9.       Carnegie medal is awarded to an author of an outstanding book for children

10.   A publication whose title page is missing is technically called Anepigraphon

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Public Library Act in India (Chronologically)

1948 Tamil Nadu (Madras) Public Libraries Act
1960 Andhra Pradesh (Hyderabad) Public Libraries Act
1965 Karnataka (Mysore) Public Libraries Act
1967 Maharashtra Public Libraries Act
1979 West Bengal Public Libraries Act
1988 Manipur Public Libraries Act
1989 Haryana Public Libraries Act
1989 Kerala Public Libraries Act
1993 Goa Public Libraries Act
1993 Mizoram Public Libraries Act
2001 Gujarat Public Libraries Act
2001 Orissa Public Libraries Act
2005 Uttar Pradesh Public Libraries Act
2005 Uttarakhand (Uttaranchal) Public Libraries Act
2006 Rajasthan Public Libraries Act
2007 Bihar Public Libraries Act
2007 Chattisgarh Public Libraries Act
2007 Pondichery Public Libraries Act
2009 Arunachal Pradesh Public Libraries Act


ERNET (Education and Research NETwork)
Initiated in 1986 by the Department of Electronics (DoE)
                With funding support from the Government of India and United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
Involving eight premier institutions as participating agencies
-- NCST (National Centre for Software Technology) Bombay,
-- IISc (Indian Institute of Science) Bangalore,
-- Five IITs (Indian Institutes of Technology) at Delhi, Bombay, Kanpur, Kharagpur and Madras,
-- and the DoE, New Delhi
“Objective: The objective was to create expertise R&D and education in the country in the area of networking and Internet in the country”
ERNET India in partnership with University Grants Commission is setting up UGC-Info net.
MOU with AICTE to provide connectivity to AICTE Recognized Colleges and Regional Centers..
Indian Council for Agriculture Research-Net

NICNET(National Informatics Centre NETwork – NIC network)
Conceived in 1973 & commissioned in 1977
NIC (National Informatics Centre) is an organization set up by the Govt. of India in 1977
NIC has set up a satellite-based nation-wide computer-communication network, called NICNET
The world's largest Satellite based Computer communication network.
Providing information exchange services – b/w Government and Corporate sector organizations,
NICNET services include File Transfer, Electronic Mail, Remote Database Access, Data broadcast and EDI
NICNET has served as the basic message communication facility in the calamity-affected areas

OCLC (Online Computer Library Center)
Founded in 1967, the presidents of the colleges and universities in the state of Ohio founded the Ohio College Library Center (OCLC) to develop a computerized system in which the libraries of Ohio academic institutions could share resources and reduce costs
Old Name -- Ohio College Library Center (OCLC)
OCLC’s first offices were in the Main Library on the campus of The Ohio State University (OSU)
1981 -- The legal name of Ohio College Library Center became Online Computer Library Center
Frederick Gridley Kilgour founded OCLC as the Ohio College Library Center in 1967 and served as its first president and chief executive officer from 1967 to 1980.
Jay Jordan became OCLC’s fourth President and Chief Executive Officer in May 1998-Present
NextSpace is OCLC’s magazine
World cat: Worlds largest bibliographic database

Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET)         
Initiated by the UGC in 1991 with its Head Quarters at Gujarat University Campus, Ahmadabad
National centre (Ahmadabad)

JNU, Delhi                        IISc Bangalore                  Jadavpur University Kolkata                University of Poona, Puna
(4-Regional centers)

(40 sectoral information centers - SIC)

(About 100 Document resource Centre – DRC)

Functions & Activities:
Soul software: library management software developed by INFLIBNET.
                             Soul 2.0 launched in 2009
                             SOUL – SOftware for University Libraries
ETD (electronic submission of theses and dissertations): Joint venture of UGC and INFLIBNET
IndCat (Online union catalogue of Indian universities)
CCF to MARC Conversion utility: Launched by INFLIBNET,
                                                               Open source utility – convert CCF data to MARC 21 Format – Done with VB.Net 2005

DELNET (DEveloping Library NETwork)
Old name: Delhi libraries Network
Started at the India International Centre Library in January 1988.
Registered as a society in 1992.
It was supported by the National Information System for Science and Technology (NISSAT) & the National Informatics Centre (NIC)
Governing Board Members: 2010-2012

 S. Varadarajan

S. S. Murthy

H.K. Kaul

“Objective -- promoting resource sharing among the libraries through the development of a network of libraries”
Current awareness service of DELNET – ‘LISTSERVE’ or DEL-LST

JANET (Joint Academic NETwork)
Inaugurated on 1st April 1984
Important library and research network of Great Britain
Funded by Joint Information System Committee (JISC)
Managed by U. K. Education and Research Networking Association (UKERNA)

BLAISE (British Library’s Automated Information Service)
Introduced in 1977
Online information retrieval service